Like any large family, there are specific needs that are ongoing which include non-perishable food (e.g., rice, beans, pasta, canned tuna, canned fruit, etc.), toilet paper, paper towels, dish detergent, hand soap, cleaning supplies, mops, brooms, etc. Arrangements can be made to transport these items across the boarder to the orphanage.
Bottled Water
Bottled water is currently an expense that we might be able to defer in the future. There is an individual that has offered to install a water filtration system at his cost so we are in the process of identifying what this would cost and determining the cost savings for the children’s home. The filtration system is portable and can be transferred if the family moves to another location.
We have a great need for Spanish speaking tutors that can assist the children in preparing for their high school and college entrance exams. We have seven children between the ages of 12 and 16 that need to start preparing for the exam. In addition, we currently have two of our children that will be taking the exam within the next three months in hopes of getting into the public university. If they pass the exam, their education is approximately $300 per quarter. If they do not pass the exam, they could attend a private university that cost approximately $300 per month.
School Supplies
At the beginning of every school year the children have to purchase uniforms, shoes and school supplies which is a minimum expense of $70 per child.
YOU can make a difference in a child’s life. Research suggests that child sponsorship works. A recent study in The Journal of Political Economy based on 10,000 interviews with adults in six countries showed that sponsored children tend to have higher self-esteem, tend to be more optimistic, are more likely to be leaders in their churches and are more likely to finish secondary school than their unsponsored peers. For more information, visit our Sponsorship page to learn how you can help!
Currently the directors have a large van to transport the children. They are in need of a smaller economical vehicle to run simple errands and save on the cost of gasoline.
The home that the children currently live in meets the basic needs of the family but with 22 children and 5 adults, the area to move about and play is limited. In addition, the orphanage is unable to accept new children at the current facility due to space limitations. Subsequently, moving to a larger facility would be ideal but difficult to find within the limited budget. There are mission groups with construction backgrounds that are willing to provide labor and materials for building a new and larger facility but the orphanage would need property to build on. The directors have found property to purchase but do not have the funds to do so at this time. A minimum of $66,000 US dollars is needed to purchase this property. Please keep this in your prayers!